PM Kisan 13th Installment 2023 :- As all of you must know that under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Yojana, an amount of Rs.2000/- is provided in three different installments. This money is given by the central government to the farmers’ account every four months. Every year, under this scheme, the first installment is given in the month of April to July and the second installment is given in the month of August to November.
जितने भी किसान प्रधानमंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना तेरा ही किस्त का इंतजार कर रहे हैं उन सभी किसानों का इंतजार बहुत जल्द खत्म होने वाला है। आप सभी किसानों को ज्यादा परेशान होने की जरूरत नहीं है। जितने भी कैंडिडेट का केवाईसी कंप्लीट हो गया है उन सभी का तेरहवीं किस्त यानी पेमेंट जनवरी 2023 मे खाते में भेज दिया जाएगा। जैसे आप सभी किसान भाइयों को पता होगा 12वीं किस्त समय से नहीं मिलने के कारण 13th किस्त में देरी हो रहा है। बहोत जल्द प्रधान मंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना के अधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर 13वीं किस्त का डेट जारी कर दिया जाएगा। पीएम किसान 13वीं Instalment के बारे में बहुत ही जल्द नया अपडेट आने वाला है। PM Kisan 13th Installment 2023
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Status Overview
Scheme Name | PM Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) |
Article Category | PM Kisan 12th Installment |
Scheme Category | Central Government Scheme |
Applying Process | Online |
Benefits Under Scheme | 6000 INR Is Given In 3 Installments Per Year |
Installment/kist amount | Rs. 2000 |
Beneficiaries | Small And Marginal Farmers |
Official Website | |
Aim Of The Scheme | To Provide Financial Support To The Farmers |
PM Kisan 12th Installment Date 2022 | 17th October, 2022 |
It is mandatory for the government to have eKYC :-
If you want to take advantage of Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, then you have to get EKYC done. The government has now made it mandatory to get eKYC done to take advantage of this scheme. Earlier, the last date for getting eKYC done by the government was fixed as May 31, 2022. But now the date has been extended. Those farmers who have not got their KYC done, get it done as soon as possible, the amount of 13th installment should not be given. Farmers can get eKYC done from the official website and through CSC center.
- Aadhar Status :- Verified
- EKYC Status :- Success
- Payment Mode :- Aadhar/Account
- Land Seeding :- Yes

PM Kisan Helpline Numbers
- The toll-free number for PM Kisan is 18001155266.
- The hotline number for PM Kisan is 155261.
- The landline lines for PM Kisan are 011-23381092, and 23382401.
- The new phone number for Prime Minister Kisan is 011-24300606
How to Check Status :-
- To check the payment status, first you need to open the official portal of PM Kisan, on your computer or smartphone.
- After this click on ‘Beneficiary Status’ here. Then you need to choose either your bank account or Aadhaar number.
- You have to enter one of the selected numbers (Aadhaar number or bank account number) here.
- After doing this you need to click on ‘Get Data’. After this the status will come in front of you.
- Let us tell you that the central government puts the installment of two thousand rupees in the account of farmers thrice a year. Now the 12th installment will be released to the farmers on 17th August 2022.
Important Link:-
To check the payment status, first you need to open the official portal of PM Kisan,
Jan 2023